June 2012 Council Minutes

Village of St. Helena Council Meeting and Public Hearing
June 21, 2012

 Present were Mayor Robert Barnhill, Ron Rampone, Neil Benton, Nancy Jones, R. H Corbett, and Louis T. Hesse.  Absent was Jim Davis.

 Attending the meeting were Judy Katalinic and Kathy Hone.

 The public hearing began at 6:00 P. M.  The hearing was on the proposed 2012-2013 budget.

 No questions or comments were received.

 On motion by Nancy Jones, and seconded by Ron Rampone, the public hearing was adjourned unanimously.

 Mayor Barnhill called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 P. M. and prayed.

 Louis Hesse had an item from the Planning Board for consideration of a text amendment to Article 22 of the UDO.  The proposed amendment would eliminate the dedication of public facilities (i. e. schools).

 On motion by Ron Rampone, and seconded by Nancy Jones, a public hearing on the text amendment to the UDO was scheduled unanimously for 6:25 P. M. on July 19, 2012.

 Louis then talked about the recreation area of Article 22 asking for feedback from the council.  Corbett is to review it and make a recommendation to the Planning Board.

 Bids were opened to rerock North Street.

 On motion by Ron Rampone, and seconded by Neil Benton, the bid from W. E. Newton, Jr. was accepted unanimously in the amount of $12,125.00 to rerock North Street.

 On motion by Ron Rampone, and seconded by Nancy Jones, the budget for 2012-2013 was approved unanimously.

 Ron Rampone mentioned that Andy Paluck would like to build a house on property he owns.  The property would need to be rezoned.

On motion by Neil Benton, and seconded by Ron Rampone, the meeting was adjourned unanimously.

                                                            Respectfully submitted,
                                                            Mary D. Bakan
                                                            Village Clerk