March 2013 Council Minutes


Village of St. Helena Council Meeting

March 21, 2013

Present were Mayor Robert Barnhill, Ron Rampone, Neil Benton, Jim Davis, Nancy Jones, William Hunter, R. H. Corbett, and Louis T. Hesse.

Attending the meeting were Judy Katalinic, Kathy Hone, Alice Southerland, Gina Rampone, Charles White, and Mrs. Bill Baker.

Mayor Barnhill called the meeting to order and prayed.

On motion by Ron Rampone, and seconded by Jim Davis, minutes of February 21, 2013 were approved unanimously.

On motion by William Hunter, and seconded by Jim Davis, the financial report was approved unanimously.

Louis Hesse told the council that the Planning Board recommended that the UDO be corrected to treat sheriff’s office and police department the same as a permitted use.

Louis told the council that Kyle with the county had withdrawn the county’s application for conditional use.  The county was looking at other things.

Kimberly Ann Rivenbark was correcting errors in the UDO.  She put the UDO in a better format.  Louis said that he was going to pay her $250.00.

On motion by Jim Davis, and seconded by Ron Rampone, it was agreed unanimously to take care of the $250.00.

Jim Davis suggested that we get bids for the waste collection.

William Hunter had talked to the person that did some logging on North Street.  The street is to be fixed by those responsible for any road damage.  Logging within the town limits was discussed.

Jim Davis brought up that the budget should have an item for painting the inside of the hall.  $2,000.00 was mentioned as the cost.

Nancy asked about repairing the floor.

Gina Rampone asked about a sign that would read Welcome to Village of St. Helena and number of miles to the Catholic Church.

William Hunter asked about the gutter that had been taken down when roof was replaced.

On motion by Nancy Jones, and seconded by Jim Davis, the meeting was adjourned unanimously.