October 2010 Council Minutes


Village of St. Helena Council Meeting

October 21, 2010

6:30 P.M.


Present were: Mayor Robert Barnhill, Ron Rampone, Neil Benton, Jim Davis, Willie Knowles, R.H Corbert, and Lewis Hesse.  Nancy Jones was absent.

Attending were Judy Katalinic, Gerald Velie, and Mary Alice Southland.

Mayor Barnhill called the meeting to order.

Willie Knowle prayed.

On a motion by Willie Knowles and seconded by Ron Rampone, the minutes of the public hearing on September 16, 2010, were approved unanimously.

On a motion by Neil Benton and seconded by Ron Rampone, the minutes of the regular meeting on September 16, 2010, were approved unanimously.

On a motion by Willie Knowles and seconded by Ron Rampone, the financial report was approved uninanimously.

Candidate Bill Marshall running for a county commissioner seat spoke of his background and experience.

Louis Hesse reported on request for air conditioner permits.

Neil Benton had recieved a new batch of trash cans.

Willie Knowles reported on mowing of public streets.

Gerald Velie complained about his cable being out.  He also reported that the Planning Board had covered two pages of the UDO permitted use chart.

Louis Hesse had a bill for the inspection software, he uses.

Ron mentioned the tape recorder and wiring upgrade.

Jim Davis reported on building roof repairs needed.  Three bids were recieved:  Ray Knowles $11,500,  A & N Roofing $14,000,  Bobby Brown $12,710.

Gerald Velie asked about other things needing repairs.  Jim Davis had reported a total cost of over $200,000 was needed to make all listed repairs.

On a motion by Jim Davis and seconded by Ron Rampone, the bid of $11,500 was accepted unanimously, by 4 votes.

Mayor Barnhill cautioned that the roof repairs were not budgeted.

Mary Alice Southerland commented that some people were glad to see the buildingstill in existence.

Gerald Velie stated, he would like to see the repair listed priortized and some repairs made yearly, if funds were available.

R. H. Corbett asked about making efforts to contact minority companies in public construction.

Jim replied, he could not find one for the previous roof project.

On a motion by Willie Knowles and seconded by Ron Rampone, the meeting was adjourned unaminously.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary D. Baken

Village Clerk 


Last Updated on Saturday, 18 December 2010 23:01