August 2023 Council Minutes

Village of St. Helena Council Minutes

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Village of St. Helena Town Hall

6:30 p.m.


Attending the meeting were Mayor Robert Barnhill, Mayor Pro-Tem William Hunter, Councilwoman Nancy Jones, Councilwoman Kaye Knowles, Councilwoman Judy Katalinic. and Village Clerk Mary D. Bakan. Absent was Councilman Neil Benton.


In the audience were Alice Southerland, Carey Childress, and Gerald Velie.


The meeting was called to order by Mayor Robert Barnhill.


Kaye Knowles led the prayer.


Gerald Velie complained about the minutes and texts that Judy did. Judy suggested that anyone is welcome to try to do the minutes. If not, Judy suggested that it would be better to shorten the minutes to include only things that are required by law.


On motion by Kaye Knowles, and seconded by William Hunter, the minutes were approved unanimously.


As for the financial report, there was a discussion about permits. On motion by Kaye Knowles, and seconded by Judy Katalinic, the financial report was approved unanimously.


Under business, the repair, upkeep, and improvements to the town hall were discussed. Robert called the back door a safety issue. Curtains and panels were mentioned for sound dampening, and updating the kitchen and bathroom was also mentioned. Nancy mentioned the wheelchair ramp.


Louis Hesse said he will talk to Allen Wilson. Cost + was mentioned. On motion by William Hunter, and seconded by Kaye Knowles, the council unanimously gave approval to go ahead with repairing the back door with a cost limit.


Nancy brought up Asbestos. Louis Hesse explains the procedure in reference to handling of asbestos.


Louis Hesse gave an overview about his activities in St. Helena.


On motion by Nancy Jones, and seconded by Kaye Knowles, the meeting was adjourned unanimously.


After the meeting, the topic of St. Helena’s facebook page was discussed.