April 2010 Council Minutes

April 15, 2010  Thursday  6:30 PM  Village Hall

Village of St. Helena Council Meeting

Call to order: At 6:00 P. M. a public hearing preceded the regular meeting.  Mayor Barnhill called the hearing to order.  The hearing dealt with UDO amendment changing RA20 to RA with minimum one acre lot size.

Present:  Mayor Robert Barnhill, Ron Rampone, Neil Benton, Jim Davis, Nancy Jones, Willie Knowles, R. H. Corbett, Louis Hesse, and Chad McEwen.

Attending: Judy Katalinic, Louis Leimone, Julianne McCracken, Gerald Velie, and Kathy Hone.

Louis Leimone spoke about being an heir to Juisto and Rose Leimone property.  He thanked the mayor and council for being allowed to speak.  He said that he was impressed with the ordinance and complimented the council for adopting the ordinance.  Julianne McCracken asked about who makes decisions and changes.  She asked if county had input.  The answer was that the county is not involved.

Adjourned: On motion by Willie Knowles, and seconded by Ron Rampone, the hearing was adjourned unanimously.

Call to Order:Mayor Barnhill called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 P. M.

Prayer: Willie Knowles

There were no public comments.

On motion by Nancy Jones, and seconded by Ron Rampone, minutes of March 18, 2010, were approved unanimously.

On motion by Ron Rampone, and seconded by Willie Knowles, the financial report was approved unanimously.

On motion by Jim Davis, and seconded by Ron Rampone, it was unanimous to approve UDO text change from RA-20 to RA resulting in minimum lot size of one acre.

Mayor Barnhill commented on the number of trash cans he replaced.  There is a problem also with recycle bins.  Nancy said that Waste Management took hers one time.  Velie commented that sub drivers may sometimes hurry; cans land in ditches.  Barnhill said that he hears cans get stolen.  Willie said he had hit a trash can and had to replace a mirror.  This problem was tabled until we have to pay for cans and bins.  Ron had a problem; his shepherd hook and lantern along with recycle bin were in the ditch.

Corbett spoke on signs.  Think about non-conforming signs.  Replace or not.  Signs were discussed.  The council talked about any future non-conforming signs would not be allowed to be repaired if damage exceeds 50%.

Corbett told the council that he needed to work on a code of ethics resolution and wanted to order a $30 book.  This was okay.

The St. Helena Community Center Association rents the hall.  Judy Katalinic is chairman of this association.  Her question was the liability.  Corbett said that the Village is not liable because it has no control over this.

Jim Davis brought up the web site.  Bids had been received:  $300 and $700.  He proposed to go with $300.

On motion by Jim Davis, and seconded by Ron Rampone, it was unanimous to pay $300 for a web site.

Judy Katalinic explained about Miss St. Helena, a raffle, parades, and t-shirts that the Community Center Association was handling.  Permission was requested to use the logo on the t-shirts.

On motion by Ron Rampone, and seconded by Willie Knowles, permission was granted to use the logo on t-shirts sold by the St. Helena Community Center Association.

Adjourned: On motion by Willie Knowles, and seconded by Ron Rampone, the meeting was adjourned unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary D. Bakan
Village Clerk

Last Updated on Wednesday, 07 July 2010 14:59